Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Arjun and Lynnette

Interviewer: Good morning Mr Jacob! How are you today? Thank you for granting this exclusive interview with you. Do you mind telling us what happened that day? We understand that Mr Rellik was trying to hitch a ride from your family. Were you for the idea and why?

Jacob: Yes, Mr Rellik was trying to hitch a ride from my family, but no, I was against the idea of picking him up. No one but my father would be senseless enough to pick up that stranger. That stranger was very creepy and menacing.

Interviewer: What was your first impression of the hitchhiker, Mr Rellik?

Jacob: This may seem a bit far-fetched to you, but he looked like a bloodthirsty psychopath to me.

Interviewer: Bloodthirsty psychopath?

Jacob: Yes indeed!

Interviewer: Why did you attack Mr Rellik in the end?

Jacob: He kept whispering to me that he was going to kill me and even showed me his knife in his jacket. I recalled that the car door at his side was spoilt. I had to save my family. Out of instinct, I kicked him out of the car. I don't know… I don't know!

Interviewer: What happened after you attacked Mr Rellik?

Jacob: On the other end of the road, a tractor trailer ran over Mr Rellik and I knew for sure that the hitchhiker had died. I took this moment to explain to my parents about what Mr Rellik had said to me and the lies he had told about himself. My father told me that it was alright and checked with the tractor trailer driver about how Mr Rellik had died. After that, my father reentered the car and drove on without saying another word.

Interviewer: What did the people here at Fairfields tell you about Mr Rellik? Do you believe them? Why?

Jacob: The people here in Fairfields told me his name was Mr Renwick, not Rellik and that he was a gardener, not a murderer. I don't believe them. I know that they are trying to cover up for that madman!

Interviewer: Could you tell us more about your brother Eddy?

Jacob: My brother Eddy hated me a lot. He liked to tease me a lot. He got his punishment one day when we were travelling to Ipswich in a train. Before the train arrived, he fell onto the train tracks and was run over by the train. He deserved it.

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your time.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Interview with Jacob: Angeline(2) and Keen(18)

Interviewer: Good morning Mr Jacob! How are you today? Thank you for granting this exclusive interview with you. Do you mind telling us what happened that day? We understand that Mr Rellik was trying to hitch a hike from your family. Were you for the idea and why?

Jacob: Um, Mr Rellik really creeped me out. I really didn't want my father pick him up. I mean, we were less than 10 miles from that asylum, Fairfields. He could've been a maniac who had escaped!

Interviewer: What was your first impression of Mr Rellik?

Jacob: He looked……off. He also said, "I'm going to kill you," in this really creepy voice. To be frank, I was a bit scared of him. 

Interviewer: Why did you attack Mr Rellik in the end?

Jacob: I saw him pull out something out of his jacket, something silver. I thought it was a knife and he was going to stab us all, so, yeah, that's why.  

Interviewer: What happened after you attacked?

Jacob: He fell out of the car, and was squashed by a truck. And my parents were, to say the least, very shocked and horrified. They were like, "What happened? Why on earth did you do that?" So I explained everything to them but they didn't believe me! To make things worse, they even told me his name was Mr Renwick and that I had misheard the entire thing! They told loads of other lies too. 

Interviewer: Do you believe them? Why?

Jacob: Not at all. I trust my senses and I did not mishear anything. 

Interviewer: Could you tell us more about your brother Eddy? 

Jacob: Mmm, I don't remember much. I was only….let me think….7 years old. What I do remember was that he was a nice brother……………..and then he fell into the path of a train. No idea why. I think he tripped or something. 

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your time. 

Gabriel Teng & Koh Guo Feng - Interview with Mr Jacob (The Hitchhiker)


Interviewer: Good morning Mr Jacob! How are you today? Thank you for granting this exclusive interview with you. Do you mind telling us what happened on that day? We understand that the Mr Rellik was trying to hitch a ride from your family. Were you for the idea and why?

Jacob: No, I told them not to stop. They never listen. The man looked shifty and suspicious. That Ian Rellik, I knew he was from the asylum! 

Interviewer: What was your first impression of the hitchhiker, Mr Rellik?

Jacob: He was unkempt, and had ragged clothes. I knew he was a bad person.

Interviewer: Why did you attack Mr Rellik in the end?

Jacob: He was taking a knife out from under his jacket. He was going to kill all of us! 

Interviewer: What happened after you attacked Mr Rellik?

Jacob: He fell out of the car and got ran over by a tractor. I thought my parents would be grateful, but they just brought me back here!

Interviewer: What did the people here in Fairfields tell you about Mr Rellik? Do you believe them? Why?

Jacob: They told me Mr Rellik was a gardener, and I misunderstood everything. I don't believe that at all! They always lie to me...about this, about me killing my brother!

Interviewer: Could you tell us more about your brother Eddy?

Jacob: That was a long time ago, I don't remember clearly. I think he tripped and fell onto the train tracks just as the train was arriving. I had nothing to do with that!

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your time

English Interview with Jacob

Interviewer: Good morning Jacob! How are you today? Thank you for granting this exclusive interview with you. Do you mind telling us what happened that day? We understand that Mr Rellik was trying to hitch a ride from your family. Were you for the idea and why?

Jacob: Can I be let out after the interview?

Interviewer: Sure, you may.

Jacob: No, I wasn't! If my father did not stop, we would not have met that creepy Mr Rellik who tried to kill us!

Interviewer: What was your first impression of the hitchhiker, Mr Rellik?

Jacob: His looks simply gave me the creeps! The moment he got onto the car, I knew something bad would happen!

Interviewer: Why did you attack Mr Rellik in the end?

Jacob: He was mumbling something about killing me and he had blood on his hand. The moment I saw him taking out something silver, I immediately thought it was a knife and had to do something.

Interviewer: What happened after you attacked Mr Rellik?

Jacob: He just flew out of the car and the next thing that happened was a relief to me. He was killed by an oncoming truck.

Interviewer: What did the people here in Fairfields tell you about Mr Rellik? Do you believe them and why?

Jacob: They told me that Mr Rellik was just a gardener whose car broke down at Lowestoft. The blood I thought I saw on his hand was only mud. The glint of silver was not a knife but a cigarette case. I do not believe them! I saw with my own eyes him mouthing that he wants to... to kill me!

Interviewer: Could you tell us more about your brother Eddy?

Jacob: I don't want to talk about it.

Interviewer: Why?

Jacob: He always bullies me. I hate him!

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your time.

Jacob's Interview

Interviewer: Good morning Mr Jacob! How are you today? Thank you for granting this exclusive interview with you. Do you mind telling us what happened on that day? We understand that the Mr Rellik was trying to hitch a ride from your family. Were you for the idea and why?

Jacob: We were on the way back after celebrating my birthday. I was not in for the idea as he seemed shifty and suspicious. There was a mental asylum nearby too and you had to be insane to pick someone up on the A12.

Interviewer: What was your first impression of the hitchhiker, Mr Rellik?

Jacob: He seemed suspicious as he had unkempt hair. He had ragged clothes and a scar on his eyes. It made him look like a murderer.

Interviewer: Why did you attack Mr Rellik in the end?

Jacob: I saw him take out a knife out of his pocket. I became scared and anxious for he would attack my family and me.

Interviewer: What happened after you attacked Mr Rellik?

Jacob: Due to the broken door, Mr Rellik rolled out. A truck then ran over him and dislodged his rolled body. Pieces of flesh littered the road. My father then drove me to Fairfield's asylum.

Interviewer: What did the people here in Fairfields tell you about Mr Rellik? Do you believe them? Why?

Jacob: The people told me Mr Rellik was a gardener and I had misheard his name. They also said it was most probably that he was having mud on his hands and was carrying a cigarette casing. I did not believe that as I trusted my senses more than anything.

Interviewer: Could you tell us more about your brother Eddy?

Jacob: He fell onto the train rails suddenly and was ran over by a train. I believed he suffered a heart attack.

Chun Leong and Wai Kit

Mr.Jacob Interview

This is the interview with Mr.Jacob

The Script:

Q1. Of course not! I could sense something wrong with him when he entered the car. Hw looks so creepy and unkempt. I thought that he was an escapee from the fair fields mental hospital.
Q2.He was a vey strange man. He was repeatedly looking at me and he was also very suspicious. 
Q3.According to whatever I heard and whatever I thought, he seemed very very suspicious. He was about to kill me!I heard it! I had to do something quick to protect my family.
Q3.I don't know. It happened in a rush!I only could vividly remember Mr. Rellik shouting for help before he was ran over by a truck. After that I explained to my dad why actually happened. Some how, he looked very disappointed.
Q5. The had the gall to say that Mr.Rellik was innocent! I couldn't believe my ears when they said that I was insane. The blood on his wrist was true! The words that he said was true. Noone believed me!
Q6. Oh…Well I miss him a lot. That day on the train was supposed to be the best day ever.Unfortunately, he fell out of the train.

----Done By:Anbarasan Subramaniyan and Sarah Chan----

English Video with Jacob

Interviewer : Good morning Mr Jacob! How are you today? Thank you for granting this exclusive interview with you.

Interviewer : Do you mind telling us what happened that day? We understand that the Mr Rellik was trying to hitch a ride from your family. Were you for the idea and why?

Jacob.Good Morning,anyway I was definitely not for the idea to let Mr Rellik hitch a ride from my family.Firstly I was scared that he was a lunatic as the lunatic asylum was nearby and furthermore the road has no buildings and in this I did not like people hitchhiking in my car,

Interviewer : What was your first impression of the hitchhiker, Mr Rellik?

Jacob:Well to be frank I thought he was a bit nuts as people would not be wearing those type of weird clothes during a rainy weather.

Interviewer:Why did you attack Mr Rellik in the end?
Jacob:I had confirmed my suspicions that he was a killer.For example he lied about his location of where he wanted to go and he had blood on his hands and he also mouthed the words”I will kill you” to me.

What happened when you attacked Mr Rellik?

My father was confused and my mother saw this incident and she screamed.I had no fear as I had saved myself and my parents.Then my parents drove me to Fairfields and they made me talk to the doctor.

Interviewer : What did the people here in Fairfields tell you about Mr Rellik? Do you believe them? Why?

They said that Mr Rellik name was actually Mr Renwick.They also told me that he was a gardener and told me that his car had broken down and he managed near Southwold.They also told me that the silvery thing was cigarette case and it was not a knife.I did not believe.

Interviewer:Could you tell us more about Eddy?

I know for sure that I was not the one who had killed him.He was like a normal brother and I did not understand why jumped of the tracks.

English with Jacob.

By Qian Zhe, Zhong Zhi and Shijie. (11,16 and 21)
Zhong Zhi, if you see this, I do not have the script so could you post it in the comments?

Interview with Jacob

Interviewer : Good morning Mr Jacob! How are you today? Thank you for granting this exclusive interview with you.

Interviewer : Do you mind telling us what happened that day? We understand that the Mr Rellik was trying to hitch a ride from your family. Were you for the idea and why?

Jacob : Err…what? Oh right..em so…well, that day, we were driving back home when Mr Rellik, the bad guy, wanted to hitch a ride from us. My dad was crazy enough to go for the idea. However, me and my mother felt that the man was suspicious.

Interviewer : What was your first impression of the hitchhiker, Mr Rellik?

Jacob : I immediately felt that he was a mental guy, a loony from the loony bin, which I'm currently locked in right now…I felt that he was going to kill my entire family.

Interviewer : Why did you attack Mr Rellik in the end?

Jacob : At first, well…I wanted to keep him under my watch, but after multiple evidences confirmed that he was a murderer, I attacked him bravely, saving my family.

Interviewer : What happened after you attacked Mr Rellik?

Jacob : I merely wanted to get rid of him, but I did not expect him to be killed by a incoming trailer tractor. Well, at least I saved the world from this crazy man. However, instead of being praised, I was dumped in the loony bin once again…

Interviewer : What did the people here in Fairfields tell you about Mr Rellik? Do you believe them? Why?

Jacob : The people in Farfield's told me that Mr Rellik was innocent. However, I know that what I did was right, yes, it was right indeed as he wanted to kill my entire family.

Interviewer : Could you tell us more about your brother Eddy?

Jacob : What? Why my brother Eddy…? Well, Eddy wasn't really a brother to me, but I still miss him. The last time I saw him, he jumped onto the train tracks.

Interviewer : Thank you for your time.