My name is Kiran Chand and I from School of Science and Technology.I am going to talk about the three ethical dilemmas I have chosen.They are bias,Invasion of privacy and Plagiarism.Firstly I am going to talk about bias.To start with,let me tell you an incident.When I was in primary school,I had a enemy.One day,he started to tease me too much.I had reached my limit and threw him a punch.And as usual there was a major fight.The teacher came and stopped and brought us to the principal office.She also brought along a witness.Unfortunately,the witness was my enemy’s best friend.So when the principal asked what happened the witness told I was the one who started it and so I got into the most trouble.Since then day,I always hated the people who are bias.It is important to know that we should be truthful and not supportive to one side.Media bias is especially wrong as it might change the whole story.Journalists are supposed to be neutral when they are reporting or writing an article.They only can be supportive to one side which is the editorial section
Next I also choose invasion of privacy.Privacy is a important thing that each human has the right to control it.It is wrong for other’s to misuse it.
One of the most frequent and most bitter complaints about journalists is that they invade others' personal lives and publicize things that people want to keep private.
Journalists respond that their job is to truthfully inform the public, and that job involves reporting facts that some might not want known.The journalists often do jobs and interviews without permission.
Lastly I am going to talk about plagiarism.We've all heard about plagiarism in one field or another. It seems like every other week there are stories about students, writers, historians and songwriters plagiarizing the work of others.But, most disturbingly for journalists, there have been a number of high-profile cases in recent years of plagiarism among reporters. These incidents are serious because they damage the credibility not only of the journalists directly involved, but all journalists.Let me tell an example .Mr Hari wrote a George Orwell prize winning article in the Independent newspaper.But,a reader noticed a quote in one of his stories had been cut and pasted from a book.He initially denied plagiarism but further examples of him allegedly recycling quotes were later found in the Internet.In one In one case, an interview of veteran journalist Ann Leslie, critics said 545 words of his nearly 5,000-word piece came from an article she had written for the Daily Mail.If a reporter writes a story in a particularly distinctive or unusual way, and another reporter essentially copies passages from that story into his own article, that's an example of plagiarizing writing.It is important for the journalists to avoid plagiarism.Here are some of the ways they can uphold to avoid it.The easiest way to avoid plagiarism is to gather your own information, do your own reporting. That way you avoid the temptation to steal information from another reporter's story, and you'll have the satisfaction of producing work that is entirely your own.
Next they if they really want a piece of information it is important they credit it.If they do not it like stealing their work.Lastly,once you've written your story, read it through several times to make sure you haven't used any information that isn't your own. Remember, plagiarism is not always a conscious act.
Good, realistic examples and quite clear voice.